Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Sending Crooked Hilary To A Mental Ward By Nicholas Baker

We all know that people want Crooked Hilary but there are ways that the FBI wants to cuff her and stuff her. Her and Bill has been stealing from Citizens. They created a Foundation not to give back to the Community. They created a Foundation to have people donate Money to the Foundation. And they deposit it.

They say that they Give back to Charity and help children in the Hospital fighting Cancer. She says that she says that she gives back to St. Jude and is all for St. Jude. But she's not. Why? Because she is a crook and she likes to steal. "Hilary Clinton will be a great President. She is going to give back to my family." No she won't give back to you. What she promises to you is a scam. Don't listen to the scams that she's telling you my friends.
I don't even trust her as far as I could throw her my friends. John McCain is too much of a pussy to fight back and he allows people like Barack Hussein Obama and Crooked Hilary walk all over him. But we must get rid of Political Correctness my friends. I am sick and tired of Politics being corrupt. We must find away to stop Crooked Hilary from running for President. All of the Politics lie all the time and they don't know how to talk behind the microphone. Donald J. Trump is the only ones who tells the truth my friends. He knows what he's doing and he knows what he's talking about.

I am going to pray for those who are sinners and I hope that they repent for their sins. I would like them to focus on what's important. But we need our jobs back from the Mexicans, Muslims, Chinese and Japanese and I know that people will one day wake up. We must get rid of the Democrats and knock some sense into them. Donald Trump is going to shut down NAFTA and bring our Countries Back. He's knocking some sense into them and we need to get rid of clowns out of the Government because I don't like Clowns. We don't need Clowns in our Government.

Our Government is talking about Starting World War III. But I hope that this war doesn't begin. But the Democrats are stirring up trouble. Crooked Hilary is sitting on her hands while Syria and Russia including the China and Japan are test firing the Nuclear Missile and they did some test over the Border of Canada and they're starting the war.

But Crooked Hilary has a temper on her. She's so mental and she doesn't know it. But we must focus on the important for our country. Since Bill Clinton cheated on his wife she tossed the base. But she's starting to realize that people are turning against her. The woman is Anti-Trump and she hates the fact that he tells the truth more than she does. Republicans tells the truth more than the Democrats and they're afraid to tell the truth. And they're afraid what the Republicans are going to do next.

People don't realize that Democrats are not smart enough to tell the truth. People has to understand that Crooked Hilary needs Medical Assistance. She needs help my friends and she needs to go to a Mental Ward. But people just don't care about the lives of other people. Christians shouldn't be forced to marry Gays because Barack Hussein Obama doesn't care about the Churches. He legalized Gay marriage and he shouldn't have done it.

But people don't realize that the Democrats are running this country to the ground my friends. They are making things worse in this country. They're taking away our Second Amendment and they are blaming the guns for killing people. It's not the guns it's the Muslims who are killing people. The Bad Guys are the ones who are buying guns and shooting innocent people. How can we defend ourselves if the NRA is shut down?

The Government is taking away our First Amendment why are we losing our Religious rights? Because the people are blaming the Church for their insanity. Donald Trump are going to bring back our Religious Freedom.  

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