Monday, July 4, 2016

The Brutal Awakening In America By Nicholas Baker

The Democrats are going for a Brutal Awakening my friends. I know that Donald J. Trump is going to fight and try to knock down Crooked Hilary & Barack Hussein Obama and he wants to indict them.

He wants Crooked Hilary to step down from the Race and have the FBI arrest her. They interviewed her and the question is did she lie to them? Or did she fess up and told the truth. They are waiting for the right time to do it.
They are waiting for her to crack and wait for her to fall onto her last leg for them to cuff her and stuff her. I will pray for her and see if she repents from her sins. The Democratic Party is so dumb and they want to open up the borders to everybody and allow them to come into our country illegally. I would like to see that our country will go back to normal without borders. Donald J. Trump wants to build a wall. But our Government is allowing the Terrorist come into our country and behead our solder's wives and children. ISIS published a kill list of 8,000 people in the United States that includes their addresses, names and phone numbers of United States Citizens and they were told "Go kill these people and decapitate the wives and children of the United States Solders." and the church is afraid to stand up.

Back in 2013 they had an election for the next president. John McCain was running against Barack Hussein Obama and lost because he went for the second term. And I hope he doesn't go for the forth.

We do want our freedom to carry firearms and carry a Bible around. People are so dumb it's not even funny. They say "Obama is a great president and he's going to give what I want. He's going to give me a free welfare so that I don't have to work for it."

Look welfare is not free and you have to work for it and you have to wake up and smell the coffee. The American People must realize what's going on. They are losing their religious rights and they are being brutally beaten for saying the name Jesus and they are being thrown in jail for their beliefs. The church doesn't want to admit that they are afraid to speak up. They don't know what's going to happen when they do speak up and say something.

But I know that God is going to do a double 360 in our lives and he's going to open up new doors for us. We all know the famous church in Manhattan New York and the "Naked Cowboy" the Cowboy who sings on the streets with his underwear on. In that church at the women's conference on stage was a pastor who dressed up like the "Naked Cowboy" and the "Real Naked Cowboy" suited the guy for dressing up like him. But I remember three years ago when Arizona Sen. John McCain was running for president he wanted to bring back Christianity and the quote "Merry Christmas" in the United States.

Barack Hussein Obama said "we will take away Merry Christmas and say Happy Holiday, because it offends Muslims." If it offends the Muslims why allow them come into the US and give them the right to force us into believing what they believe. They worship Allahu Akbar and back in June 12th when Omar Mateen murdered 49 people in the Nightclub in West Palm Beach and while he called the Police shouting out "Allah Akbar" as he was shooting the people.

Omar was killed by the Swat Team that came in with guns blazing at the shooter. There were survivors hiding in the bathrooms. The Sheriff's department didn't know about the "ISIS KILL LIST" and he said "Talk to the Federal Authorities" I don't trust the Federal Authorities they helped Omar Mateen with the shooting. They erased the call from the shooter.

But the church is not doing a thing my friends and the church in Manhattan is brain washing people. They are not Evangelical my friends. They don't talk about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and they sure don't bother telling the truth about what's going on in the America because they are afraid of being killed. This is America my friends and we're not afraid to say anything. Sen. John McCain is afraid of saying things. But a real church and a good church talks about the "End Times" and we should.

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